Sunday, April 01, 2007

Social bookmarking within corporations

Collaboration is one of the ingredients of working efficiently within the company's firewalls. IBM has been developing their dogear social bookmarking (pdf) system for corporations. I am not sure if they have released this product yet but it looks interesting. Meanwhile Honeywell is taking the lead and piloting a social bookmarking system developed by Connectbeam to connect their knowledge workers more efficiently and increase knowledge sharing and discovery. Indeed as many large companies, we need something similar for Reed Elsevier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a pleasure to work with Rich Hoeg and the extended team at Honeywell. And it'll be our pleasure to have an opportunity to work with you and Reed Elsevier. After all, our path to Honeywell started with you.

Let me know when I can send you a Connectbeam Appliance.