Sunday, December 23, 2007

Scribd and Copyright

Scribd launched a new program (QPP) for publishers where they can create a Shelf to sell and promote their content.

"Scribd, the leader in online document sharing and publishing, announced today an initiative to work with publishers through its Qualified Publisher Program (QPP). The program offers a variety of premium features and enables publishers to proactively fight piracy by providing control over the distribution and viewing of their copyrighted materials."

" Scribd’s new QPP works in conjunction with copyright holders and automatically blocks uploads of the copyrighted content by non-rights holders. Scribd uses its new Text Matching System (TMS) to compare documents that users upload against those contributed to the filter by copyright holders. Attempts to upload content identified as copyrighted and deemed to be infringing are automatically stopped by Scribd’s TMS."
Copyright issues that were raised earlier still go on and will go on until publishers create a shelf.

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